Whole30 Coaching
Whole30 is a 30-day nutritional reset and elimination protocol designed to help you identify food sensitivities, calm underlying inflammation, and improve your relationship with and to food. Whole30 is my absolute favorite tool to help clients determine which foods work best for achieving optimal health as well as determine which foods may be causing problems or underlying inflammation. An overwhelming majority of Whole30 participants say Whole30 really did change their lives!
After seeing my own personal results and drastic health improvements using Whole30, I wanted to learn more and knew I had to add this as a tool to my client toolbox. Whole30 helped me heal from anxiety, insomnia, and chronic sinus issues as well as aid in my food freedom and recovery from an eating disorder.
I later become a Whole30 coach in 2017 and an advanced level coach in 2021. I have since coached over a hundred clients through Whole30 and their outcomes and results never cease to amaze me! It’s always an incredible experience when clients are empowered to take control of their health and improve and often heal from various health concerns and conditions. While Whole30 ended their formal coaching program in November of 2023, I still use the protocol to help clients discovery food sensitivities and establish food freedom as a former Whole30 coach.
Client outcomes include weight loss, reduced joint pain, blood sugar, blood pressure, cholesterol, bloating, gas, headaches, brain fog, waistline, depression, anxiety and fatigue; AND improved and increased emotional well-being, digestive health, skin, sleep, energy, memory and overall health and well-being.
For 30 days, we eliminate grains, legumes, dairy, sugar, and alcohol and then reintroduce them back into the diet to determine how they impact us, both physical and emotionally. The protocol focuses on real, whole foods. Whole30 has helped millions of people identify problematic foods, calm inflammation, lose weight, and find food freedom.
Whole30 Client Outcomes

Whole30 Testimonials
“I have had pain in my knees since I was thirteen years old and I no longer have pain in my knees anymore. I am very grateful for what I learned during Whole30 about food’s impact on my health. With Dr. Moring’s coaching I had a wonderful experience and and will spend the rest of my life feeling better.” – William
“Catherine suggested I try Whole30 to help some of my health concerns. With her support and coaching, I discovered which foods work of me and which ones do not. My anxiety is gone. I sleep. I mean I sleep! And I have tons of energy. I seem to stay more focused and can get things done. I have lost so much weight without even feeling like I was dieting. I feel so great. My whole disposition is different. The fog is lifted. My sugar is good and so is my cholesterol. Whole30 has truly changed my life and my outlook.” – Ann
“When I started Whole30, I was taking seven medications and now I take none. Zero. I have had multiple sinus surgeries and would’ve have normally been on a round of antibiotics by now but I don’t even have the slightest sniffle. I did a whole90 with Dr. Moring and lost over 40 pounds, reduced my cholesterol from 301 to 218, my triglycerides dropped 210 points and I lost 7 inches in my waist. I am never going back to eating how I did before. I am grateful for this knowledge and for a coach who believed in and supported me.” – David
“While working with Dr. Moring, I learned how foods I thought were good for me were spiking my blood sugar. I went from eating oatmeal, toast and fruit for breakfast to eating eggs, meat and vegetables. My sugar is finally within my goal. I learned how to eat right in order to keep my blood sugar managed and I also lost a lot of weight.” – Phyllis
“After Whole30, I discovered my food triggers and no longer have digestive problems. Whole30 gets tough after the first few days but with Catherine’s help. guidance, and support I made it through it and learned so much about the right foods for my body. I have so much more freedom without the digestive distress. I am forever grateful!” – Sharon
Program Includes:
- Thorough client health history discussion
- Assessment and review of any recent labs
- Recommendation for additional labs/testing
- Nutritional recommendations based on unique personal history and health goals
- Comprehensive plan for addressing all dimensions of wellness: physical, financial, sexual, emotional, spiritual, and interpersonal
- Weekly Zooms
- Weekday access email (Tues, Wed, Thurs)
- Tailored dietary plan to fit your needs
- Whole30 specific PDF resources
- A list of my favorite Whole30 recipe creators
- A list of my favorite Whole30 products
- Recommendations for macronutrient intake and suggestions for best choices
- Review of essential nutrients and considerations for nutrient needs
- Identification of food sensitivities/triggers
- Meal plan and meal prep guidance
- Guidance on building a non-toxic home and environment
- Guidance for using an array of holistic wellness approaches
- Podcast, book, Instagram accounts, and product recommendations
- Personal PDF resources and E-guidebook for Holistic Wellness